The StudyPro executive function and study skills programs

Our Programs

The StudyPro programs are designed to strengthen underdeveloped executive function and study skills.

We help students to identify what is slowing them down — aka their ‘friction’ — implement strategies to remove that friction, and practice those skills until they become habits for life.

Strategies for time-management, planning, initiating, active-studying, test-taking, etc. are most efficiently learned in a dedicated course.

Meeting each student where they are, coaches help create work plans and strategies to address individualized executive function goals.

Providing structure, accountability, and subject-matter support, students work through their assignments and experience what success feels like.

Writing requires process mastery, confidence, and practice. Our course and coaching teach strategies for all phases of writing and combats common “stuck points”.

Let's Get Started

The great news is that there is no bad place to start!

Our Study Skills and Strategies course will help build a base set of skills that students then practice using the 3 free Homework Center sessions that come free with the course .
If it feels like 1:1 Executive Function coaching is a better fit, that is a great place to start for students that prefer individualized support to work on / develop skills.
If your student has missing work, is finding it difficult to start or complete work, or tends to get distracted while working, the Homework Center is the place to start or to utilize in conjunction with the course or coaching.

Each child is unique and it can be daunting to decide on your own, so please reach out, email at, or call us at 571-321-5800.